A design and staging firm for homeowners, realtors, investors, and commercial businesses. Our goal is to provide custom space solutions at any level and for varying budgets. Whether you need design assistance to improve the aesthetic and functionality of your current space, or want to stage your property for a quick and profitable sale, Design Stage can help!

Designer, Visionary
Diana Lee

taking people, things, and spaces, and making them look and feel extraordinary


Design Stage believes a collaborative process produces the best results. To ensure that this happens, as well as your complete satisfaction, all services begin with a consultation. We offer the following services:

  • Full Service Design
  • Staging
  • eDesign
  • Holiday Décor
  • Color Analysis

Why Design Stage

Most home and business owners cannot objectively view a space they have occupied for more than a year. If they can’t view it objectively, they cannot strategize a project successfully. Through our FEEL HOME philosophy in both design and staging, we execute a tried and true method that utilizes 8 strategic steps tailored to help our clients find the right balance between their personal objectives and our expertise. This collaborative process in any project is truly key to a design with character, and a stage that gets results!

Industry Statistics

” 40% of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home.

83% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. Once staged, homes spend an average of 73% less time on the market.

Over 21% of agents (the largest grouping) said staged homes sell 6% to 10% faster.”


*2019 National Association of Realtors (NAR) Profile of Homes Staging 2019.

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